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Seeded Paper the Plantable Paper Gift Wrap That Grows


Where’s all the fancy designs and comics on this wrapping paper? You said it was special paper. What is seeded paper anyway? So this paper actually has seeds inside, and I should plant it instead of throwing it away? That almost sounds too good to be true. Does plantable paper really work?

Seeded paper is also known as plantable paper which is a biodegradable and eco-friendly paper lined and embedded with seeds. Instead of throwing it away like traditional wrapping paper and ending up in a landfill, you plant the actual paper outside like you would any flower. The paper decomposes in the soil, and the seeds begin to grow into plants. Plantable paper helps the environment and grows beautiful plants and flowers in your yard.

Wrap your gifts in plantable seeded paper, and give two gifts at once!

Flower seed paper has been around since 1941. My daughter’s sorority had an event several years ago, and all the moms received plantable flower seed paper. It was known at that point as a “carpet of flowers”. I planted it in the early 2000’s, and it is still vibrant today. It was so easy to plant, and all I had to do was to make sure I watered it every day to take root. Seeded paper evolved since then, and now we have many more uses. We actually wrap gifts in plantable paper now and thus give two gifts at once.

Triumph Plant has a beautiful  gift seed paper kit. There is enough paper for you to wrap up to 8 shirt boxes. There are 4 large sheets of paper (24″ x 36″) in pink, yellow, purple and blue. Each sheet comes pre-seeded with an array of beautiful colorful wildflowers. The tissue-type paper is flexible enough to wrap most objects. Each paper kit contains six gift cards and a bundle of natural raffia to help uniquely present your eco-friendly gift.

Cut the pre-seeded gift wrap into smaller pieces to create different effects in your garden. Also, plant the paper at least 3″ deep for the roots to take hold. Cover the paper with 1/8″ of loose topsoil, and in about a week, you will see seedlings start to appear. This is the trifecta of gifts as nothing goes to waste at the end of the day. Wrap it, plant it, and watch it grow!

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