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100 Books Scratch Off Poster is the Ultimate Reading Challenge!


As an avid reader and bookworm, I’m always looking for fun and creative ways to keep track of the books I’ve read and discover new titles to add to my never-ending reading list. So when I came across the Enno Vatti 100 Books Scratch Off Poster, I knew it would be the perfect gift to myself to help motivate and challenge me to read some of the most beloved books of all time.

The Enno Vatti 100 Books Scratch Off Poster is a 16.5” x 23.4” poster that features 100 of the most acclaimed and influential fiction and nonfiction books ever written. 

From classics like To Kill a Mockingbird and The Great Gatsby to more contemporary bestsellers like Harry Potter and The Kite Runner, this poster has an excellent mix of iconic literature from different genres and time periods.

The poster arrives rolled up in a tube, making it easy to store and transport. Once unrolled and mounted on a wall, you’ll find each book title printed above a section covered in gold foil.

The idea is that once you read one of the books, you scratch off the gold foil to reveal a colorful illustration representing that book underneath. It’s a fun, interactive way to track your reading progress and build your literary credibility!

If you choose to get a frame after you’re finished, then pick up a traditional A2 poster frame.

In this review, I’ll share my experience using the Enno Vatti 100 Books Scratch Off Poster over the past few months. I’ll cover the pros and cons of its design and functionality, the book selection included, and whether or not it succeeded in getting me to read more of the books on this must-read list.

Read on to see if this poster is worth adding to your home or office wall to inspire your own reading goals!


Unboxing and First Impressions

When the poster first arrived, I was eager to unroll it and check out the book selection and overall design. It came packaged in a cylindrical cardboard tube, ensuring the poster inside arrived flat and undamaged.

Right away, I was impressed with the modern, clean look of the poster. The solid black background keeps the focus on the colorful book titles and illustrations. The gold foil scratch-off sections are neatly contained within each book’s rectangular panel, which are arranged in an orderly grid pattern across the poster.

The illustrations revealed under each foil section are vivid and capture the essence of each story and its characters. For example, Alice in Wonderland features Alice with the Cheshire Cat, while The Great Gatsby shows Jay Gatsby’s iconic parties and luxury. These fun pictures add a nice visual element to reward you for finishing each book.

scratch off book poster 100 books to read e1598918689839

The only downside to the foil sections is they can be tricky to scratch off cleanly. I found using a coin works better than fingernails to neatly remove the foil. Some reviewers also recommended using tape to lift off pieces rather than scratching. So having patience and the right tool on hand is key for getting those reveals looking crisp!

If you like this idea, then couples can also check out the 100 dates scratch off poster for more fun ideas!

The Book Selection

Of course, the most important part of any book bucket list poster is the books it includes. I was thrilled to see so many of my personal favorites already on this list, like The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Pride and Prejudice, and The Catcher in the Rye.

It covers all the classics you’d expect, from Homer’s The Odyssey to F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. But it also incorporates more modern bestsellers like J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series and popular sci-fi picks like Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

There’s a good mix of genres, including fantasy, mystery, historical fiction, dystopian, romance, and more. Both fiction and non-fiction titles are represented, from thought-provoking novels to scientific writing like Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time.

While the majority of authors on this list are American or British, there are some works in translation like Solzhenitsyn’s One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. However, more diversity in authorship and cultural perspectives would make the list more well-rounded. The list could also be refreshed over time to incorporate new rising stars in literature.

But overall, Enno Vatti did an excellent job curating a list of critically-acclaimed, award-winning books from different eras that book lovers will be eager to read or re-read. It pushes readers out of their comfort zone to pick up classics they’ve always meant to read but never got around to.

scratch off book poster wall art

The Full List of 100 Books on the Poster

Here is the complete numbered list of all 100 book titles included on the Enno Vatti reading bucket list poster:

#Book TitleAuthor
1Harry PotterJ.K. Rowling
2Gone with the WindMargaret Mitchell
31984George Orwell
4Chronicles of NarniaC.S. Lewis
5UlyssesJames Joyce
6SapiensYuval Noah Harari
7FaustJohann Wolfgang von Goethe
8Great ExpectationsCharles Dickens
9Lord of the RingsJ.R.R. Tolkien
10To Kill a MockingbirdHarper Lee
11The Little PrinceAntoine de Saint-Exupery
12The Art of WarSun Tzu
13Lord of the FliesWilliam Golding
14Jane EyreCharlotte Bronte
15All Quiet on the Western FrontErich Maria Remarque
16The Old Man and the SeaErnest Hemingway
17One Hundred Years of SolitudeGabriel Garcia Marquez
18The Wind-Up Bird ChronicleHaruki Murakami
19The Book ThiefMarkus Zusak
20Moby DickHerman Melville
21The Great GatsbyF. Scott Fitzgerald
22The AlchemistPaulo Coelho
23LolitaVladimir Nabokov
24Divine ComedyDante
25Huckleberry FinnMark Twain
26Memoirs of a GeishaArthur Golden
27Brave New WorldAldous Huxley
28Fahrenheit 451Ray Bradbury
29Pride and PrejudiceJane Austen
30The Kite RunnerKhaled Hosseini
31Collected FictionJorge Luis Borges
32Wuthering HeightsEmily Bronte
33Romeo and JulietWilliam Shakespeare
34AusterlitzW.G. Sebald
35Catcher in the RyeJ.D. Salinger
36Hitchhiker’s Guide to the GalaxyDouglas Adams
37Mrs. DallowayVirginia Woolf
38A Game of ThronesGeorge R.R. Martin
39Grapes of WrathJohn Steinbeck
40Dao De JingLaozi
41Three Men in a BoatJerome K. Jerome
42Mary PoppinsP.L. Travers
43The Sound and the FuryWilliam Faulkner
44Catch-22Joseph Heller
45The OdysseyHomer
46Secret GardenFrances Hodgson Burnett
47In Search of Lost TimeMarcel Proust
48Adventures of Sherlock HolmesArthur Conan Doyle
49The TrialFranz Kafka
50One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s NestKen Kesey
51Pippi LongstockingAstrid Lindgren
52FrankensteinMary Shelley
53Never Let Me GoKazuo Ishiguro
54Master and MargaritaMikhail Bulgakov
55Charlie and the Chocolate FactoryRoald Dahl
56War and PeaceLeo Tolstoy
57Picture of Dorian GrayOscar Wilde
58Crime and PunishmentFyodor Dostoyevsky
59DraculaBram Stoker
60Red and the BlackStendhal
61Midnight’s ChildrenSalman Rushdie
62Call of the WildJack London
63Poisonwood BibleBarbara Kingsolver
64Bell JarSylvia Plath
65Fight ClubChuck Palahniuk
66And Then There Were NoneAgatha Christie
6720,000 Leagues Under the SeaJules Verne
68The PlagueAlbert Camus
69The ProphetKahlil Gibran
70PerfumePatrick Suskind
71Alice’s Adventures in WonderlandLewis Carroll
72Portrait of a LadyHenry James
73A Brief History of TimeStephen Hawking
74Three MusketeersAlexandre Dumas
75SiddharthaHermann Hesse
76The StandStephen King
77Magic MountainThomas Mann
78Slaughterhouse-FiveKurt Vonnegut
79Winnie the PoohA.A. Milne
80Prayer for Owen MeanyJohn Irving
81Les MiserablesVictor Hugo
82Robinson CrusoeDaniel Defoe
83Last SamuraiHelen DeWitt
84Madame BovaryGustave Flaubert
85Sister CarrieTheodore Dreiser
86Girl with the Dragon TattooStieg Larsson
87Complete Stories and PoemsEdgar Allan Poe
88Secret Life of BeesSue Monk Kidd
89Little WomenLouisa May Alcott
90AtonementIan McEwan
91Charlotte’s WebE.B. White
92Little MermaidHans Christian Andersen
93Gulliver’s TravelsJonathan Swift
94On the RoadJack Kerouac
95Clockwork OrangeAnthony Burgess
96Don QuixoteMiguel de Cervantes
97HungerKnut Hamsun
98Anne of Green GablesL.M. Montgomery
99Lord JimJoseph Conrad
100Cloud AtlasDavid Mitchell

Reading Motivation and Progress Tracking

My main goal with using this scratch off poster was to motivate myself to read more varied books, push through dense classics, and track my reading progress in a fun way. And I can happily say it succeeded on all those fronts!

Having that visual reminder on my wall helped nudge me to pick up books like War and Peace and The Odyssey which otherwise might have languished on my shelf for years. Getting to scratch off each title and see the revealed image was rewarding and satisfying.

Over the past three months, I’ve averaged reading one book from the poster per month. It’s made me more intentional about balancing my regular reading list with books from this must-read compilation. I also love having guests guess which book goes with each illustration and discovering ones they’ve read that I haven’t yet.

The poster is both aesthetically pleasing to display and a great conversation starter for fellow book nerds. I can already envision framing and hanging this poster after completing the whole list to commemorate my accomplishment!

scratch off book poster framed


  • Includes 100 books spanning classics, award winners, genre fiction, and nonfiction
  • Fun and satisfying scratch-off element to track progress
  • Vibrant illustrations revealed under each scratch-off section
  • High-quality thick poster with vibrant colors and graphics
  • Makes a great gift for bookworms and readers of all ages
  • Provides a variety of books to add to your reading list


  • Foil scratch-off sections can be tricky to remove cleanly
  • Could use more diversity in authorship and cultural perspectives
  • List is subjective and could be refreshed over time
  • Only available in smaller 16.5 x 23.4 inch size

Where To Buy The Top 100 Books Scratch Off Poster

You can find the Enno Vatti 100 Books Scratch Off Poster available at major retailers like the following:

This poster also periodically pops up on eBay. There are other book bucket list posters out there, but this is specifically about the Enno Vatti version.

Additional Reading Accessories

  • Don’t forget to grab a handy page glow book light for all that late night reading!
    Carson PageGlow LED Lighted Paper-Back Book Light - Rechargeable Version (PG-10R)
  • Go hands free reading at night or on long car trips with this wearable neck reading light!
    The Wearable Reading Light
    Available only from Hammacher Schlemmer, this is the hands-free light that can be worn around the neck for focused illumination. Its non-slip neck piece connects to two arms that can be shaped to direct light to a restricted area so as not to disturb others. It has two LEDs that provide...
  • Never miss a word when you’re reading thanks to this electronic dictionary bookmark! It features over 40,000 definitions right at your fingertips if you come across an unfamiliar word!
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  • Curl up in this immersive audiophile pod chair and listen to your favorite books on your smart device. Sit back and actually feel the story come alive!
    The Immersive Audiophile Pod
    This is the acoustically optimized pod that creates an immersive audio experience that is not only heard but also felt.
  • If you can’t fit an entire new chair in your home, then curl up with this Yogibo bean bag reading pillow. It’s designed for comfort and back support!
    Yogibo Support Reading Pillow Unique U-Shaped Backrest With Arms, Provides A Lift for Watching TV, Gaming, Working, Filled with Soft Micro-Beads, Blue

Final Verdict

I highly recommend the Enno Vatti 100 Books Scratch Off Poster to any book lover looking to expand their literary horizons and have a fun, visual way to track their reading progress. It exposes you to renowned works you may have overlooked or always meant to read and lets you show off your bookworm pride.

While the scratch-off foil application could be improved, the overall poster quality and design is top-notch. The book list provides an outstanding mix of must-read classics and contemporary favorites any reader will enjoy crossing off their bucket list.

Reading should always be enjoyable, not a chore. And this poster really gamifies and motivates your reading journey in a unique way. I’m excited to keep chipping away at this list and can’t wait to see what books I’ll discover next. What are you waiting for? Go grab this poster and make scratching off buckets of great books your new addiction!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the dimensions of this poster?

The poster is 16.5 inches wide by 23.4 inches tall.

Does the poster come framed?

No, the poster ships rolled up in a cardboard tube. You will need to provide your own frame to hang it once unrolled.

What is the material made of?

The poster is printed on high-quality, extra thick poster paper with a semi-gloss finish.

What genres and types of books are on the list?

The list includes classics, contemporary fiction bestsellers, sci-fi, fantasy, romance, mystery, dystopian, historical fiction, and non-fiction.

Are there any accessory items included?

No, the poster ships by itself rolled in a tube. You may want a coin or scratching tool to help remove the foil sections cleanly.

Can you customize or personalize the poster?

Currently, there is no option to customize or alter the book list included on the poster.

How should the poster be cared for?

Avoid placing the poster in direct sunlight to prevent fading. Use low tack tape or poster putty to hang, rather than tacks or pins that may cause holes or tears.

Scratch Off That Reading List and Dive Into These Great Books!

Now that you’ve seen my review of the 100 Books Scratch Off Poster, it’s time to start working your way through some of these amazing titles on the list! Here are a few I highly recommend prioritizing on your own literary bucket list:

1. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

This Pulitzer Prize winning American classic confronts racial injustice in the Deep South through the eyes of young Scout Finch and her lawyer father Atticus. Their fictional town of Maycomb, Alabama comes alive as Scout navigates growing up in the 1930s Great Depression era.

2. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini

This contemporary fiction novel immerses you in 1970s Afghanistan through the bond between two young boys – Amir, the privileged son of a wealthy businessman, and Hassan, the son of Amir’s father’s servant. The lifelong connection between these friends is tested by class, betrayal, and secrets that still haunt decades later.

3. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling

The book that started the worldwide magical phenomenon! Meet Harry Potter, an orphan who discovers on his 11th birthday that he’s no ordinary boy – he’s a wizard destined to attend the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. This first book in the series follows Harry’s introduction to the wizarding world.

4. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

Few love stories are as beloved as that between Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy in Jane Austen’s iconic 19th century novel. Witty Elizabeth must overcome her initial poor impression of the aloof Mr. Darcy to find love in class-conscious Regency era England.

5. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

In this dystopian 1953 novel, Bradbury imagines a disturbing future in which books are outlawed and any found are burned by “firemen.” The story follows fireman Guy Montag as he begins secretly reading banned books that make him question society and his life.

Other Unique Books to Try

  • Finished everything on the poster? Then check out this “sure to be a classic someday”, How to Tell if Your Cat is Plotting to Kill You
    How to Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting to Kill You (Volume 2) (The Oatmeal)
    $9.20 $16.99
  • If you are a cat parent, then we compiled a list of our top 10 favorite books for cat lovers! Enjoy lots of furry feline fun and humor!
  • Cats not your taste? If you’ve got a refined reading palette, how about the exorbitant Only for Rich Book instead?
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  • Feel like spending some creative time alone, but not interested in reading? We compiled a list of the 22 best adult coloring books to sit back, relax, and get a few good laughs!

Whatever you’re in the mood for, the books on the 100 poster are sure to inspire engaging escapes, new perspectives, and great conversations. So grab your scratching coin and start knocking titles off your bucket list!

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