One of my friend’s birthdays is coming up and I want to get her something she’ll enjoy. I know she loves music, so it seemed logical to come up with something related to give her. This led me to question: are concert tickets a good gift? Here’s what I learned, and the 5 things you need to know.
Concert tickets are a good gift, but you’ll need to know some things before committing to buying them for your recipient:
- Do you know for sure if they like the band or artist performing?
- Is the venue of the show local and easy to get to?
- Are you positive they’ll be free on the date of the show?
- What seats are available and are they desirable?
- Who else will be available to go with them?
While sometimes you can work around these things, knowing the answers is going to give you a better result for gift-giving.
1. Know Band and Artist Preferences Before Buying Concert Tickets as a Gift
I know this probably seems like a no-brainer, but it’s important to know the bands and artists that your intended recipient likes before giving them a gift of concert tickets. While I’m sure they’d smile and thank you for anything, you should want to give them something they’d truly enjoy.

Here are some ideas for how to figure out someone’s favorite bands before purchasing concert tickets as a gift:
- They’ve said ‘this is my favorite song’ or ‘this is my favorite band’ when listening to something on the radio or streaming with you
- Check out their CD collection or MP3 library and look for common trends
- You’ve seen it on their social media or they’ve mentioned other concerts they’ve attended
If you still don’t know for sure, your best bet would be to actually buy them a gift card for the venue or a ticket seller directly. That way, you’re still giving the gift of tickets, but allowing them to pick the show they want to see.
2. Check the Venue Location Before Gifting Concert Tickets
It’s important to bear in mind the location of the concert venue versus where your recipient lives. If they’ll have to travel very far to reach the venue, or if it’s difficult to get to, you may want to consider other options before gifting concert tickets.

When the venue is a long way away, your giftee will have to spend additional money on travel, possible overnight accommodations, and food and beverages.
Now, if you’re going on a larger trip or vacation together and want to surprise them with a concert as part of that – go for it! That’s a great activity to do together.
However, if you’re just gifting tickets and they’re on their own to plan the trip, then it may be perceived as more of an inconvenience than a thoughtful gift.
3. Do They Have Anything Planned Already on the Dates of the Show?
This may be one of the tougher things to know ahead of time, but you’ll want to ensure your gift recipient doesn’t have other plans on the date of the concert.
I’ll generally try asking about something similar on the dates to get an idea. “Hey I was thinking of going somewhere on these dates, would you be free?” See what they say, and go from there.

That being said, many times concert tickets go on sale 3-6 months in advance of the actual show. While you could wait to try and get a deal, your best bet (especially for popular artists) to get good seats is to buy tickets as soon as they go on sale (Source).
If you’re buying tickets that far in advance, it’s less likely your recipient has set plans for those dates. Just make sure to gift them with plenty of time, and you should be in good shape.
4. What Concert Seats Are Available, and Would You Want to Sit in Them?
Closely related to the dates that tickets go on sale, as I mentioned before, is the question of what seats are left? If you played the waiting game trying to get a deal and all that’s available are obstructed view or nosebleed seats, I’d consider a different option.

I remember going to a concert a few years ago for a band I really wanted to see. I didn’t think an obstructed view would be that big of a deal, until I found out I was mostly staring at the back of the stage. While the music was great, the experience itself was not, and I ended up leaving early.
When considering seat location for a concert ticket gift, you should:
- Look carefully at the posted info on the tickets
- Check the venue map and layout, especially relative to the stage
- Consider if you were choosing a seat for yourself if you’d be happy with the location
I’m not saying you have to splurge on front-row tickets or a mosh pit. I mean I wouldn’t even want to be up there (though maybe your friends would). However, you’re going to want a good view for the best enjoyment of the show.
5. Who Will Be Attending the Concert With the Gift Recipient?
Let’s face it – no one wants to go to a concert by themselves!
An important part of determining if concert tickets are a good gift in your situation is knowing who is available to go with the recipient.
Part of that of course is availability on the date in question. Aside from that, though, it’s the who. Traditionally, the plus one was almost universally the gifter. Nowadays, though, it’s more common to let the recipient choose (Source).

If you plan to be the plus one, let the recipient know that the gift isn’t only the concert itself, but the gift of spending time together. This is more appropriate with romantic partners and other close relationships.
Otherwise, let them know that they’re free to take their significant other, parent, child, etc – whomever would be the best company for them at the type of concert they’re attending.
This way, they’ll understand the intent up front so there’s no guesswork or hurt feelings along the way. Additionally, if your giftee isn’t the most social person (looking at myself here) then they know they have someone trustworthy for moral support so they can enjoy the show.
In Conclusion
Concert tickets are a good gift for a music enthusiast in your life, as long as you have an understanding of what they’d enjoy.
RELATED on YinzBuy: Learn 11 Unique Ways to Wrap Tickets as a Gift!
If what you’re gifting is a bad experience, cheap afterthought, or something they don’t even like, then just skip it and go with a different gift.
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