Water Generating Dewplanter – Create Water from Air!

I killed another houseplant again. It’s not my fault I have a black thumb. I probably forgot to water it, again. You got me a water generating dewplanter to stop me from accidentally killing all our plants? Green thumb, here I come!
The water generating dewplanter is the low maintenance plant growing system. It creates its own water from air, and gives it to your plants. If you’ve ever over or underwatered a plant, the dewplanter solves this conundrum for you.
Enjoy low maintenance plants with the water generating dewplanter!
I can’t be the only one that’s a pro at killing my houseplants. Thank goodness for the water generating dewplanter, which alleviates the need to remember to water it!
The instructions for the dewplanter are so easy to follow. Simply plant your plant in the container, and plug it in. Then, use the one touch button to adjust up or down, based on how much water your plant likes. That’s it! Dewplanter will take care of the watering from here on out.
Using a proprietary cooling system, this planter collects water that naturally occurs in the surrounding air. By condensing, it will create water droplets that in turn are delivered to your houseplant. It’s a highly advanced self-watering planter!
The dewplanter works for a variety of different plants, so choose whatever suits your preference. Here are just some ideas of what to plant in a water generating planter:
- Air purifying plants
- Colorful and/or fragrant flowers
- Catnip and/or cat grass
- Herbs
- Spices
- Succulents
- Aloe
- Bamboo
- Many more!
Never worry about correctly caring for your plants again. In fact, now you won’t even need to find a “plant sitter” next time you go on vacation! Dewplanter has you (and your plants) covered!
Additional Notes
- Unit measures 10.6″ x 6.5″ x 5.5″ and weighs about 3 pounds empty
- Planting area measures 6” x 6.5” x 5.5”
- Potting soil and plants not included
- Spot clean with damp cloth as needed
- Works best between 60-90° Fahrenheit and at least 40% humidity
- ABS plastic housing
- Maximum water output is 2.4 oz per hour
- AC power required – power rating of 22.5W
- For every purchase made, a tree is planted somewhere in the world!
- You may also enjoy these Sprout pencils – plant seeds from your old pencils!
- Or, this seeded wrapping paper. Instead of throwing that gift wrap out, plant it!
- Want your plant to talk back to you? Put it in the Bloomengine smart indoor planter and give it Bluetooth connectivity!
- Need something bigger? Check out the Miracle Gro Twelve indoor garden system. It’s great for fruits and veggies
- Planting some herbs? Learn more about how to start an indoor herb garden for more great tips and tricks!
- If you do need to manually water a plant, make sure to use a plant watering funnel to prevent drips!