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Thai Rolled Ice Cream Maker – Hottest Cold Treat Trend


You’re in the mood for ice cream tonight? Well, it’s too late to go out and get some, but I think we can make our own here. With a few ingredients and the Whynter Thai rolled ice cream maker, we can have frozen treats in no time!

You make ice cream rolls with a rolled ice cream maker. The machine is basically an anti griddle, but with deeper edges to hold liquids in until they freeze. A roll up ice cream machine features a chilled work surface that will freeze ice cream mix in just a few minutes.

It’s easy to make Thai roll up ice cream at home with the Whynter rolled ice cream maker!

Thai rolled ice cream is made by pouring ice cream ingredients on a very cold griddle base, such as the Wynter rolled ice cream maker. You start with either your favorite ice cream mix or heavy cream. Next, add in fruit, nuts, chocolate, or other small bits for flavor. Pour the mixture onto the ice cream griddle, which sits at about 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Use the spatulas to chop and scrape until your mixture is completely frozen, generally 5 minutes or less. Then, use the spatula to lift the ice cream from the machine, rolling it as you go. Serve your roll up ice cream in cups, and top with your favorite ice cream toppings.

Is rolled ice cream healthier than traditional ice cream?

Rolled ice cream typically uses less sugar and more natural sweeteners like fruit, so it is considered healthier than regular ice cream. However, it should still be considered a dessert or treat and enjoyed as such. Roll up ice cream is more dense than traditional ice cream as well, as you push most of the air out when making the dessert. This means you will often eat less overall ice cream to feel satisfied.

You won’t notice a taste difference between Thai roll up ice cream and traditional ice cream. At the end of the day, they’re the same base ingredients, and both frozen. You may, however, notice a higher concentration of flavor in the Thai ice cream. If you put two strawberry ice creams side by side, the rolled version will tend to have a stronger strawberry flavor.

Is rolled ice cream fried?

Rolled ice cream is not fried. Sometimes, roll up ice cream is referred to as stir fried ice cream, which is where this misnomer comes from. This nickname arose from the Thai origins of rolled ice cream, but in fact has nothing to do with actually frying the ice cream.

You can make ice cream, sorbet, frozen yogurt, or any frozen treat you desire on this Whytner roll up ice cream machine. So really, are you going to miss it being fried with this much variety? However, if you did want to experience deep fried ice cream, it’s best done with traditional ice cream that can be balled, battered, and fried. Check out our pick for a traditional Cuisinart ice cream machine if you’d like to try it at home.

Additional Notes

  • Stainless steel unit with 4 suction cups for stability on counter
  • Comes with two stainless steel spatulas
  • ETL safety certified
  • Measures 12.5” W x 10.75” D x 14.25” H, 0.5 qt capacity
  • Power cord is 110V – 115V (US)
  • Wipe clean with soap and water as needed (when cooling is off)
  • 4.5 star rating – we all scream for ice cream!
  • Enjoy homemade rainbow snow cones with this Hawaiian shave ice machine!
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