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NERF Command Base Battle Fort – Ultimate Outdoor Hideout
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NERF Command Base Battle Fort – Ultimate Outdoor Hideout


Alright kids, I’m here to give you intel on the enemy. The neighbors have declared war: a foam dart war to be exact. Luckily, I’ve armed you with the best base of operations. The Nerf Command Base battle fort will serve as our shelter for planning the ultimate sneak attack!

Golf Cart Decanter – For a Whiskey Drink on the Back 9
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Golf Cart Decanter – For a Whiskey Drink on the Back 9


You’re heading out golfing this weekend? I’d come with you, but I’m banned from the course. There was an incident last year after that sand trap. No matter, though, because I’m going to enjoy a refreshing drink from my golf cart whiskey decanter instead. At least I won’t drive this one into the lake!

$129.95 $139.95 Buy Now
Iron Man Start Button Cover – Push to Start Your Engine
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Iron Man Start Button Cover – Push to Start Your Engine


I just got my first ever car with a push button starter. Goodbye keys! Of course, the first thing I had to do was customize it with an Iron Man start button cover. Now it seems even more cool and high tech, just like my favorite Marvel Avenger.

$6.95 Buy Now
Minecraft Coat Hook – Let the Diamond Tools Hold Your Gear
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Minecraft Coat Hook – Let the Diamond Tools Hold Your Gear


Why are your coats in a pile by the door? I thought I asked you kids to stop leaving your stuff all over the place. Maybe you’ll hang things up now that I found this Minecraft coat hook. After all, you wouldn’t want to lose these diamond tools!

$48.99 Buy Now
Minecraft Creeper Water Bottle with Iconic Square Block Design
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Minecraft Creeper Water Bottle with Iconic Square Block Design


I don’t want to alarm you, but I think a Creeper is trying to hitch a ride to school in your backpack! That’s just your Minecraft Creeper water bottle that you’re bringing so you stay hydrated? Well, that’s a relief. I was about to go get the torches!

$15.99 Buy Now
Loch Ness Monster Desk Pet – Bring a Tiny Nessie to Work
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Loch Ness Monster Desk Pet – Bring a Tiny Nessie to Work


I always wanted an office pet. When I thought about the allergies and the associated care, though, that gave me pause. I decided the best compromise was the Loch Ness Monster desk pet. It’s adorable, tiny, lives in a jar, and I never need to remember to feed it!

$29.99 Buy Now
Nessie Ladle Set – There’s a Loch Ness Monster in your Soup
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Nessie Ladle Set – There’s a Loch Ness Monster in your Soup


Have you ever heard the legend of the Loch Ness Monster? It’s said that late at night, the monster rises from the water and steals your soup! No, yinz don’t think that’s how it goes? Oh, right! The monster rises from the water and makes you tea! Don’t look at me like that. My Nessie Family kitchen ladle utensil ...

$29.95 $39.95 Buy Now
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