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Sofa Tray Table Lets You Master the Art of Couch Lounging
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Sofa Tray Table Lets You Master the Art of Couch Lounging


Why am I finding popcorn in between the seat cushions of the couch? I’ve told you kids a hundred times to stop eating here if you can’t keep it clean. Maybe if I get a sofa tray table so you have somewhere to set your stuff down, we’ll have fewer spills.

$32.99 Buy Now
100 Books Scratch Off Poster is the Ultimate Reading Challenge!
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100 Books Scratch Off Poster is the Ultimate Reading Challenge!


Another book done! I love reading, it’s just the perfect past time to help me relax. The hardest part is choosing what to read next. Yinz got me a scratch off book bucket list poster? It has 100 of the greatest books you have to read before you die? Those iconic literary works sound like they could inspire my reading. ...

$12.99 $23.21 Buy Now
Neck Reading Light – Wearable Light Reading in Bed at Night
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Neck Reading Light – Wearable Light Reading in Bed at Night


Could you turn off the overhead light? I’m trying to sleep over here! You’re almost finished with your book? Why don’t you use the neck reading light I got you, so you stop keeping me up? I know how much you love novels, but I promise I love sleep more!

Self Watering Plant Globes for Easy Gardening while Traveling
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Self Watering Plant Globes for Easy Gardening while Traveling


Yinz know I’d like nothing more than to go on vacation for a week. But how am I going to make sure my house plants don’t die while I’m away? I don’t want to trust letting someone in my home just to water my plants. You think I should get some self watering plant globes? Do they work?

Nessie Ladle Set – There’s a Loch Ness Monster in your Soup
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Nessie Ladle Set – There’s a Loch Ness Monster in your Soup


Have you ever heard the legend of the Loch Ness Monster? It’s said that late at night, the monster rises from the water and steals your soup! No, yinz don’t think that’s how it goes? Oh, right! The monster rises from the water and makes you tea! Don’t look at me like that. My Nessie Family kitchen ladle utensil ...

$29.95 $39.95 Buy Now
Wine Purse w/ Hidden Spout – Fashionable Way to Carry Drinks
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Wine Purse w/ Hidden Spout – Fashionable Way to Carry Drinks


I’m heading out for a girls weekend! Don’t worry, this time I won’t come home with a stained bag. I’ve upgraded to a PortoVino wine purse instead. This bag is actually designed to hold drinks, plus it’s insulated and includes a hidden spout! So, what is a wine purse?

Zombie Plant Seeds – Grow Tickle Me Plants that Play Dead
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Zombie Plant Seeds – Grow Tickle Me Plants that Play Dead


I appreciate you stopping by to water the plants while I was gone last week. You think you may have killed one of them accidentally? I think I know which plant you mean. Did you happen to touch it? Yeah, that grew from my Zombie plant seeds. It’s totally normal, it just likes to play dead, but it will perk back up in ...

$9.95 $11.95 Buy Now
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