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Underwater Drone – Your Submarine Drone for Perfect Pictures
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Underwater Drone – Your Submarine Drone for Perfect Pictures


What are you kids doing out here by the pond? No, you can’t just throw our drone into the water. I don’t think you understand that water and electronics don’t mix. If you want to explore the pond with a camera, I think you’ll have better luck with the Geneinno underwater drone. So, how much do underwater drones cost?

Hanging Hammock Chair Brings a Relaxing & Stress Free Seat
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Hanging Hammock Chair Brings a Relaxing & Stress Free Seat


One of my favorite things about summer are the rainstorms. I love sitting out in a hanging hammock chair on the porch. The sound of the rain, the fresh smell – everything is just so soothing. It’s even better with a good book and a glass of lemonade!

$49.99 $69.99 Buy Now
Magic Silicone Cake Mold for the Creative Custom Baker
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Magic Silicone Cake Mold for the Creative Custom Baker


This kitchen cabinet is just full of baking pans. Every time I open it, I feel like it’s an avalanche waiting to happen. How did we get so many different cake pans? I should just get rid of them all and get a magic silicone cake mold instead. Then I can make any shape cake with just one magic snake mold!

FRIENDS Eyeshadow Palette – Eye’ll Be There For You
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FRIENDS Eyeshadow Palette – Eye’ll Be There For You


How you doin'? You’ll probably have a lot of folks asking you that very question. That’s because you’ll be feeling fabulous with the help of this Friends eyeshadow palette. In fact, I’m just waiting for Joey to burst through the door any minute!

Julius Caesar Pencil Holder – The Ides of March on Your Desk
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Julius Caesar Pencil Holder – The Ides of March on Your Desk


Beware the Ides of March! Alright, so I probably don’t have as many things to worry about as Julius Caesar did. One thing I know for sure, I don’t have to stress over is where to store my pencils. This Julius Caesar pencil holder is the perfect addition to my desk!

Loot Llama Fortnite Backpack – Key to the Best School Drops
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Loot Llama Fortnite Backpack – Key to the Best School Drops


It’s almost that time of year again! Back to school means new friends, new things to learn, and new gear too. Now, don’t give me that look. I got you a Loot Llama Fortnite backpack so you can go back to school in style. They always say the Loot Llama has the best stuff!

$28.99 $35.00 Buy Now
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Leather Beer Holster – Best Belt Holder for Your Drink
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Leather Beer Holster – Best Belt Holder for Your Drink


I don’t think I like the cut of your jib, partner. What say we settle this on Main Street at noon? Make sure to bring your leather beer holster so you’re prepared for this showdown. The saloon across the street will provide everything else. This is clearly a beer drinking competition – what did you think it was?

$19.90 Buy Now
Jungle Gym Climber & Platform Tent Customizable Playhouse
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Jungle Gym Climber & Platform Tent Customizable Playhouse


What do you want to be when you grow up? A wilderness explorer, huh? Well, I think that every good explorer needs a base of operations.  This jungle gym climber and platform tent will let you climb, explore, and watch the world around you!

$286.56 Buy Now
Step On Dog Sprinkler – Easy Paw Activated Summer Dog Toy
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Step On Dog Sprinkler – Easy Paw Activated Summer Dog Toy


Sparky, quit trying to bite the hose while I’m watering the flowers. You’re not a petunia, I’m sorry to inform you. Look, why don’t you go use your paw activated step on dog sprinkler instead? It works while I’m using the big hose. The flowers will thank you!

Floating Golf Green – Best Backyard Pool Game for Golfers
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Floating Golf Green – Best Backyard Pool Game for Golfers


Hey Tim, I think some grass clippings must have gotten in your pool. Here, let me fish that out for you. It’s not refuse grass, it’s actually your floating golf green that you’ve been practicing chipping on? Who knew you could combine your love of pools and golf into one activity!

Avocado Pool Float – The Most Delicious Party Raft and Ball
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Avocado Pool Float – The Most Delicious Party Raft and Ball


Holy guacamole, check out my new pool float! I needed a “hard core” new way to relax this summer, and this fits the bill. I mean, who doesn’t love a giant inflatable avocado pool float? After all, I think it’s an a-peel-ing way to soak up some sun.

$26.99 $29.99 Buy Now
Dolphin Pool Vacuum Robot – Automatic Cleaner You Need
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Dolphin Pool Vacuum Robot – Automatic Cleaner You Need


Have you seen the size of my “honey-do” list? What will she think of next? Speaking of the wife, don’t tell her that I got a Dolphin Escape pool vacuum robot for our above ground pool. Now, I can remove that from my chore list, while my robot buddy does it for me. Hand me an Iron City, would you? I’ve got a pool to ...

$679.00 Buy Now
Inflatable Suntan Tub – Best Summer Tanning Pool Float
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Inflatable Suntan Tub – Best Summer Tanning Pool Float


Alright, I’m heading out to go tanning. No, I’m not going to that expensive salon. I’m heading to the backyard with my inflatable suntan tub and tanning pool float. I haven’t decided whether I’ll float in the pool or just lay in the grass. Either way, I’m getting my tan on!

$19.99 Buy Now
Snorlax Google Home Holder – Mini & Nest Mini Pokémon Fans
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Snorlax Google Home Holder – Mini & Nest Mini Pokémon Fans


Who do you think the laziest Pokémon is? It's  probably Snorlax, because he’s always sleeping! Well, I think a big, fluffy Snorlax still provides value. Just take a look at this Snorlax Google Home holder for the Mini and Nest Mini. Bet you didn’t know Pokémon could help out so much around the house!

$16.99 Buy Now
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