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6′ Pop Up Christmas Tree – Fully Decorated in 60 Seconds!
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6′ Pop Up Christmas Tree – Fully Decorated in 60 Seconds!


When are we going to have time to put the Christmas tree up this year? Between our jobs, appointments, chores, and everything else in our busy lives, I just feel like there’s no time! You bought a fully decorated pop up Christmas tree this year? Are pop up trees any good though?

Knitted Viking Beard Hat – A Winter Beanie for Barbarians
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Knitted Viking Beard Hat – A Winter Beanie for Barbarians


I’m heading out to shovel the driveway, honey. Why are you looking at me like that? Do you not like my new hat? I thought a knitted Viking beard hat would bring some smiles to an otherwise tedious chore. Plus, I can always do some barbarian pillaging after I’m done! Why would I want a knitted hat with a beard?

$34.99 Buy Now
Kentucky Whiskey Barrel – Authentic Retired Bourbon Barrel
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Kentucky Whiskey Barrel – Authentic Retired Bourbon Barrel


I can't wait to plan another trip to the Kentucky Bourbon Trail. I absolutely loved touring the different bourbon and whiskey distilleries. The rustic look of all the barrels got me thinking about acquiring one for a DIY project. Looks like I can purchase a retired and authentic Kentucky Whiskey and Bourbon Barrel ...

$480.00 Buy Now
Rotor Riot MFi Certified Xbox Controller for iPhone
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Rotor Riot MFi Certified Xbox Controller for iPhone


I love playing mobile games using my iPhone, but my fingers get so cramped playing on this tiny screen. I wish there were a more comfortable and accurate way to enjoy my favorites. Wait, you bought a Rotor Riot MFi certified Xbox controller for your iPhone? Does it work for all games?

$19.99 $34.99 Buy Now
Cupcake Stand – YestBuy 5 Tier Premium LED Light Display
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Cupcake Stand – YestBuy 5 Tier Premium LED Light Display


I spent all day baking cupcakes, and they look like a work of art! Now I want to display them, but smashing them together on a ceramic plate doesn't do my desserts justice. I saw this premium YestBuy 5 tier cupcake stand with LED lights the other day. Now that will show off my cupcakes, but how many cupcakes can a ...

$35.99 Buy Now
Fallout Christmas Sweater – Official Vault Ugly Holiday Sweater
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Fallout Christmas Sweater – Official Vault Ugly Holiday Sweater


You want to know if people still celebrate Christmas after an apocalypse? Have you kids been playing Fallout again? Well, if people did celebrate Christmas during the end of the world, then they’d definitely have the best ugly sweaters. Good thing I bought this Fallout Christmas sweater so I can celebrate too, without ...

Soccer Mug With a Goal – Playing with Your Food is Good
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Soccer Mug With a Goal – Playing with Your Food is Good


Timmy, stop flicking marshmallows at your sister. Look, I know you’re just trying to have fun but that’s not the way. I got you this soccer mug with a goal so you can flick your marshmallows into that instead. Now go play with your food, and leave each other alone. If I hear one more peep out of you kids, there will ...

$29.95 Buy Now
Mario Coin Block Piggy Bank Classic 8-bit Style in Perler Beads
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Mario Coin Block Piggy Bank Classic 8-bit Style in Perler Beads


Are you kids playing Super Mario with our old Nintendo System? I don't know why, but I never tire of that song. Just mention Mario, and I'll have that earworm all day! Since you like that nostalgic game so much, you'll actually love saving real coins in this Super Mario Coin Block bank made of Perler Beads.

Bluetooth Beanie – Tech Beanie with Bluetooth Headphones
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Bluetooth Beanie – Tech Beanie with Bluetooth Headphones


My ears are freezing! I want to listen to music while I’m out, but when I put my hat on, my earbuds keep falling out. Why do I have to choose between warm ears and listening to music? You found a Bluetooth beanie hat with headphones built right in? That sounds like the answer to my woes!

$29.71 Buy Now
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Pac-Man Ghost Lamp – Reacts to Music and Not Power Pellets
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Pac-Man Ghost Lamp – Reacts to Music and Not Power Pellets


Have you ever wondered what the ghosts do when they’re no chasing Pac-Man around? I bet they throw wild ghost parties and eat all the candies themselves.  Don’t look at me like I’m crazy! Look, this Paladone Pac-Man ghost lamp I bought is proof that the ghosts know how to party.

$41.25 $48.99 Buy Now
Pancake Maker Pan – Animal Shaped Pancake Griddle Pan
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Pancake Maker Pan – Animal Shaped Pancake Griddle Pan


Do you guys want pancakes for breakfast? You do, but only if they’re fun shapes. Well, I can probably make heart shaped pancakes, does that work? You want a dinosaur, and your sister wants a kitty? I don’t know about that. Oh look, your mother left us a pancake maker pan and griddle. Dinosaur and kitty pancakes coming ...

Magic Growing Christmas Tree – Crystal Tree Novelty Kit
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Magic Growing Christmas Tree – Crystal Tree Novelty Kit


Why are you kids in the backyard staring at a very small pine tree? You’re trying to grow your own Christmas tree? Well it doesn’t quite work like that kids; it’s going to take a few more years. How about we grow our own trees with this Magic Growing Christmas Tree? These Christmas trees will be ready much sooner!

Kohler Bathroom Sink – Dutchmaster Midnight Floral Design
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Kohler Bathroom Sink – Dutchmaster Midnight Floral Design


Did you ever wonder why our sinks were always just so boring? I mean, sure they come in different shapes and sizes, but they’re always so seemingly drab in solid, neutral colors. I want to use my sink as a way to express my style! You think I should check out the Dutchmaster Kohler bathroom sink, and I’ll be ...

$1,021.35 Buy Now
Portal Companion Cube Storage Tin – Maybe There’s Cake?
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Portal Companion Cube Storage Tin – Maybe There’s Cake?


Hey GLaDOS, I need a new cookie jar for the kitchen, can you help me out?  Why are yinz looking at me like that?  Oh, I renamed my home assistant GLaDOS just for fun. See, she just ordered me a Portal Companion Cube storage tin.  She’s quite helpful around the house you know.  Just don’t ask her about the experiments.

Yeelight Smart Candle – Easy Candela Control via Smartphone
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Yeelight Smart Candle – Easy Candela Control via Smartphone


Oh great, it’s dark in the house again; the power must be out. How am I going to find the candles and light them without any lights? Wait, I can just use my smartphone to turn on the battery operated Yeelight Candela smart candle. No fumbling around in the dark required, and it should last all night!

Shut the Box Game – WE Games Wooden Tile Pub Sensation
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Shut the Box Game – WE Games Wooden Tile Pub Sensation


How come every time we play Yahtzee, you're always so lucky? I think we need to change up the game and play a different dice game. Tonight, we'll get the family together and play Shut the Box by WE Games. I know this game originated in a Manchester Pub, but I don't know how many people can play the game at once. Can ...

$34.99 Buy Now
Play-Doh Builder Gingerbread House Kit – DIY Children’s Fun
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Play-Doh Builder Gingerbread House Kit – DIY Children’s Fun


Yinz want to build a gingerbread house this year? They’re so sticky, then no one eats it, and it attracts bugs. Isn’t there a way we can build one without food? You saw a Play-Doh Builder gingerbread house kit you want to try? Well, that sounds like fun to me! How does it stay up though; can you set Play-Doh?

$19.99 $20.94 Buy Now
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Miroco Milk Frother – Electric Milk Steamer and Foam Maker
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Miroco Milk Frother – Electric Milk Steamer and Foam Maker


I really need to get away from going to Starbucks every morning. I can’t resist the cake pops, and soon my pants won’t fit. I’d just make my morning latte at home, but I can never seem to get the frothed milk the way I want it. I saw the electric Miroco milk frother the other day, I think I should give it a try!

$41.99 Buy Now
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